Sunday, March 2, 2014

Sunday Morning Chat: #Interview with @kimberb1

John Satisfy:  Today I’d like to welcome Kimberly Biller to Erotic Satisficition.  She’s a jack of all trades, who writes not only erotica, but memoirs seeped in southern culture. Can you please tell us a little about yourself and what kinds of works you write?

Kimberly Biller:  I will be 44 in June and embarking on a new trail in life, personally speaking. I began writing as a young teen to escape my life and the abuse I suffered daily. I've written erotica, my memoir, and of course my southern humor novellas that are very popular. Sissy is the main character and patterned after myself. She is 11 and gutsy and she is on a mission. I'm currently working, slowly, on a second memoir.

JS:  Your first memoir, I Couldn't Lay in the Bed They Made, tells your story until you were how old?

KB:  Actually the full title is, I Couldn't Lay in the Bed They Made: A Southern Memoir of a Child Bride. Notice I say lay, not lie, because southerners use the word lie for a fib only!  It is complete up until last year and the new one will chronicle huge changes in my life since the publication of "Bed".

JS:  Why did you choose to become an indie author?  What do you enjoy most about working outside of the established system?

KB:  I submitted to a few agents and then my gut just told me to become independent. I love the community of the Indies and how we all get along so well and help each other.

JS:  Can you give us an example of how someone went out of their way to give you a hand?

KB:  Well...a bestselling and award winning writer in the UK that loved my work and believed in me volunteered to do the reedit of The Tree in the Front Yard and edit the prequel One Street Over. I was in awe and will always remember her kindness. Sometimes that's all we need-that certain person to believe in us and our story.

JS:  It really is a fantastic community and it is great to hear how supportive everyone is.  Getting back to Sissy; She is a fictionalized version of yourself.  In what ways do you envy her?

KB:  I really admire her tenacity and the resilience she has. She takes her alcoholic dad in stride and keeps her mom at a distance to avoid getting her behind whipped. She is clever enough to avoid being pulled into the drama of both. I was terrified of both of my parents and would never stand up to either one, let alone come up with clever ways to stay out of their arguments. Sissy is also carefree even though her life, to most outsiders is sad. She is very poor and not privileged at all.

JS:  Sounds like an impossibly tough life.  Was writing always an escape for you?

KB:  Always.  It's my greatest therapy.

JS: When you're not escaping into your writing, what do you like to do to unwind?

KB:  Reading and retweeting my favorite indie authors. Walking the beach is so relaxing and of course great exercise as well.  I am working part time also so that keeps me busy.

JS: When you start writing a work of fiction, what usually draws you into the story?  Is it the characters, plot, setting?

KB:  Definitely the plot at first then the characters. I will soon switch back to the plot though because by the time I am half way through I usually have the ending wrapped up in my head. If the ending comes to me rather early it makes the writing flow like water. Sometimes I struggle with how I want the story to close and I walk away for a bit and then it comes to me like a lightning bolt and I can't type fast enough.

JS:  What is your writing ritual?

 KB:  I'm a more, when the mood strikes and the story hits me. I have no other ritual than that. I do like writing late at night when all is quiet though.

JS:  Do you have any music on in the background?  Do you type it into the computer, or do you prefer the feel of pen on paper?

KB:  No. Never play music and I do it all in my computer or iPad. It depends on what I'm writing.

JS:  You sound very focused when you write.  You must be really involved with your worlds.

KB:  Oh yes. If the story consumes me I lose all track of time and before I know it it's 2 or 3 am and I have to make myself shut down the computer.

JS:  Tell us a little bit about Musing Between the Sheets.

KB:  Those are all sexy short stories with a twist. Sometimes what we wish for isn't what we really wanted after all and sometimes what we wish for is better than we expect. They all end in a surprising unpredictable twist.

JS:  Sounds tantalizing.  Where can my readers find you on the internet?

KB:  Well my books are for sale on Amazon.
of course.  And if they want to follow me, the best place is on twitter.

JS:  Is there anything else you'd like my readers to know about?

KB:  I can't think of any except to express how important reviews are to all of us writers.  Oh, and if you enjoy our books tell all your friends.

JS:  Great advice!  Word of mouth and reviews helps make or break an indie author.  Thanks so much for your time and I hope everyone checks out your books.

KB:  Thank you John and I hope everyone will give the indies a try!

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