Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Hi Everyone!

  Well there are exciting times ahead for me, and that means I'm heading out of town on a little jaunt.  So the blog will be a blank for a while.  I know that I haven't posted much lately, however that doesn't mean that I haven't been hard at work.

  The last few weeks I've been focusing on getting a few stories polished and creating a new an improved 1.5 version of this blog.  When I get back in early June there should be at least one new page and a new consistent story day.  I'm thinking that Wednesday might make the most sense to release new stories.  When this starts up there will be a consistency that you will be able to count on.

  Until then, don't forget to check out the links to Smashwords or Amazon on the side of the page.  There are two stories up there for 2.99 a piece.  And if you go to Smashwords and want to read Sin City Stripping use the coupon code TU63F for a free copy.

  Looking forward to getting back to updating the blog more consistently.  Thanks for sticking through my learning curve.  And if you have any suggestions or any other comment, please feel free to contact me. :)


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